water resource services

Coldwater Relief Tunnel
Bissell Point WWTP
Bissell Point WWTP Improvements
(2012) (2010) (2006) - St. Louis
Lemay WWTP Disinfection
(2012) (2010) - St. Louis
Meramec WWTP Disinfection Design (2010) (2009) - St. Louis
Missouri River WWTP Improvements (2011) (2008) (2007) (2006) - St. Louis
Grand Glaize and Missouri River Treatment Plants CPS
(2006) - St. Louis
Lemay WWTP Wet Weather Expansion and Improvements
(2004) (2003) - St. Louis
Missouri River WWTP Biofiltration System (2002) - St. Louis
Coldwater Creek Treatment Plant Improvements
(2001) - St. Louis
Lower Meramec WWTP
(2000) - St. Louis
Lemay Sanitary Sewer Pipe Installation
Lemay Sanitary Sewer Improvements
(2013) - St. Louis
Deer Creek Sanitary Improvements
(2013) - St. Louis
Ayres Sanitary Relief
(2012) - St. Louis
Caulks Creek Force Main Emergency Repairs
(2011) - St. Louis
Four Seasons Sanitary Branch Sanitary Relief
(2011) - St. Louis
Woodsmill Sanitary Relief
(2010) - St. Louis
Missouri River Wasterwater Treatment Plant
Duchesne Parque Drive #1 Pump Station
(2011) - St. Louis
New England Town-Cliff Cave Park Pump Station
(2011) - St. Louis
Jefferson Barracks Pump Station
(2005) - St. Louis
Lindbergh-Warson Pump Station Elimination
(2004) - St. Louis
Canary Estates Pump Station
(2003) - St. Louis
Williams Creek Pump Station and Force Main
(2001) - St. Louis
Street Sewer Digging
Sewer Drainage
Old Mill Creek Sewer Rehabilitation, Phases II and III
(2011) (2001) - St. Louis
Wise Avenue and Mabel Avenue Sewer Separation
(2010) - St. Louis
Jefferson Barracks CSO Substation No. 72
(2010) - St. Louis
Portis CSO Improvement
(2007) - St. Louis
Williams Avenue-Big Bend to Bredell
(2007) - St. Louis
Gravois Creek to Stonell Drive CSO
(2006) - St. Louis
Hampton Park Drive CSO
(2006) - St. Louis
Mendell and Wolter Sanitary Relief
(2006) - St. Louis
Ferry Combined Sanitary Relief
(2006) - St. Louis
New Mill Sewer
(2006) - St. Louis
Chambers-South Benton Combined Sewer
(2005) - St. Louis
CSO Interceptor Access and Monitoring Improvement Study
Dromara Drive Combined Sewer
Waverton to Magnolia CSO
Baumgartner Tunnel Lift Station
Team TSi in the Grand and Bates Tunnel
Lower and Middle River des Peres CSO Tunnel
(2012) - St. Louis
Jefferson Barracks Pump Station Elimination
(2010) (17,400 LF) - St. Louis
Gravois Creek Trunk Sanitary Relief Sewer - Phases II and II
(2005) (500 LF) - St. Louis
Manchester Avenue/Tower Grove CSR
(2007) (2004) (600 LF) - St. Louis
Tower Grove
- Manchester Sewer
(2004) (55,000 LF) - St. Louis
Coldwater Creek Sanitary Relief, Sections B, C, and D
(2003) (55,000 LF)
Grand and Bates Flood Relief/Grand Glaize Creek, Phase II
(2002) (55,000 LF)
storm sewers
Coldwater Creek OMCI Storm Sewer
(2014) - St. Louis
Ridgemoor Drive Storm Improvements (2011) - St. Louis
Stormwater Mitigation
(2011) - St. Louis
Stonell and Elise Storm Sewer
(2010) - St. Louis
Jefferson Barracks CSO
Subsystem No. 72
(2010) - St. Louis
Providence Place Sanitary Relief
(2010) - St. Louis
Harlem-Baden Relief Tunnel
(2010) (2005) (2002) - St. Louis
McKelvey Sanitary Relief
(2010) (2009) (2004) (2000) - St. Louis
Upper Sugar Creek Sanitary Relief
(2009) - St. Louis
Coldwater Sanitary Relief,
Sections B, C, and D
(2009) (2007) (2003) - St. Louis
Arlee-Hoffmeister Storm Sewer
(2009) - St. Louis
Lada Avenue Storm Sewer
(2009) - St. Louis
Goodale Avenue and Verona Avenue
(2008) - St. Louis
Midland Boulevard and Angelo Avenue (2008) - St. Louis
Brightwell Sanitary Relief
(2008) - St. Louis
Barrett Station Sanitary Relief
(2007) - St. Louis
Baumgartner Avenue and
Mason Valley Sanitary Relief
(2007) - St. Louis
Bon Hills Sanitary Relief
(2007) - St. Louis
Valley Sanitary Relief
(2010) (2007) - St. Louis
Riverside and Yarnell Sanitary Relief
(2006) - St. Louis
River des Peres Sanitary Relief
Phases I, II and III
(2006) (2005) (2004) - St. Louis
Bellefontaine #1 Lateral Sanitary Relief (2005) - St. Louis
Gravois Trunk Sanitary Relief
Phases II and III
(2005) (2004) - St. Louis
Deer Creek Sanitary Relief Phase III
Paddock Creek Sanitary Relief
Fee Fee Road to Alan Shepard Drive
Forestwood Lateral Sanitary Relief
Phase II
Black Forest Storm Sewer
East Clayton Sewer Projects
North Harrison Avenue Storm Sewer
River des Peres Channel Rehabilitation
Phase II - Deer Creek
(2003) (2002) (2001)
Jefferson Barracks National
Cemetery Sewer Improvements
Prospect Hill Landfill Vertical Expansion
(2013) - St. Louis
Malus and Green Park Storm Sewer and Bank Stabilization (2010)
11390 Lanett Court Storm Improvements and Creek Bank Stabilization
6 Denny Lane Creek Bank Stabilization